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Gynaecological Ultrasound

Pelvic ultrasound​

A pelvic ultrasound is a scan of the major organs of the female pelvis including the uterus and ovaries.  â€‹

These scans may be requested by your doctor if you have symptoms such as pelvic pain or abnormal vaginal bleeding. They are also useful in the assessment of fertility. 


These scans require a combination of abdominal and transvaginal approaches to best assess the pelvic organs, and this will be discussed further with you at the time of your appointment. 


A pelvic ultrasound is best performed betweens day 5 and 11 of your menstrual cycle.

Deep infiltrating endometriosis scan​


A deep infiltrating endometriosis or "DIE" scan is performed in women known or suspected to have endometriosis in order to assess whether the endometriosis is involving the ovaries, the bladder, or the bowel. These scans require special training and are performed by a specialist sonographer with a specialist gynaecological sonologist (doctor) in attendance. 


These scans require a combination of abdominal and transvaginal approaches to best assess the pelvic organs, and this will be discussed further with you at the time of your appointment. 

Hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography (HyCoSy)


HyCoSy is a specialised ultrasound assessment of the uterus and fallopian tubes, designed to test whether the fallopian tubes are open. It is used in the assessment of women who are finding it difficult to conceive.


HyCoSy involves placing a small catheter tube through the opening of the cervix and gently filling the uterus with a bubble-filled liquid (ExEm foam) which is visible to ultrasound, and then observing whether the fluid moves through and out of the fallopian tubes. 


A HyCoSy scan takes around 45 minutes including the time for an initial ultrasound assessment, discussion with the performing doctor, and the HyCoSy procedure itself. There is no need for a full bladder for this scan. 


A detailed information sheet will be provided when you make an appointment for your scan.

Saline infusion sonography​

Saline infusion sonography is performed as a detailed assessment of the uterine cavity and endometrium (the lining tissue of the uterus) and is useful if there is suspicion of conditions such as fibroids and polyps.


Saline infusion sonography involves placing a small catheter tube through the opening of the cervix and gently filling the uterus with saline (sterile salty water). The saline separates the walls of the uterus and outlines the endometrium so that abnormalities inside the uterus can be better detected. 


Saline infusion sonography takes around 45 minutes including the time for an initial ultrasound assessment, discussion with the performing doctor, and the infusion procedure itself. There is no need for a full bladder for this scan. 


A detailed information sheet will be provided when you make an appointment for your scan.

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