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Frequently Asked Questions

When should I have my scan?

The timing of scans is important to allow best detection of abnormalities and to allow their management in a timely fashion

Early pregnancy scans: these can be performed any time if there are concerning symptoms. To confirm a pregnancy's viability, a scan around 7-8 weeks gestation (5-6 weeks after your missed period) is usually best.

First trimester screen: this scan must be performed between 12 weeks 0 days and 13 weeks 6 days otherwise the Down syndrome calculation cannot be performed. It is best booked between 12 weeks 0 days and 12 weeks 6 days. 

Early fetal anatomy scan: this scan is best performed a little later than the first trimester screen in order to allow better assessment of the structure of the baby. It is best booked between 13 weeks 4 days and 14 weeks 6 days. 

Second trimester anatomy scan: this scan is best performed from at least 19 weeks 4 days. Later scans are better able to assess the anatomy of the baby

Third trimester scans: these scans are not routinely required unless there are complications or risks in your pregnancy. These can be performed at any time depending on the reason for and urgency of the scan.

Gynaecology scans: these are best performed on day 5-11 of the menstrual cycle - that is, where day 1 is the first day of your period.   

What if I need to have my scan earlier than recommended?

If you are unable to make it to a scan at the recommended time, please discuss this with your doctor or midwife. An earlier or later scan can be arranged, but please be aware that early scans may be incomplete as the structures may be difficult to visualise due to size or not be developed adequately earlier in your pregnancy. A week can make a big difference to an early baby's development - particularly for the brain. If a scan is incomplete you will be advised to return for completion at a later date.   

How do I know how far pregnant I am?

Use our calculators to determine your gestation based on your last menstrual period or previously estimated due date.

What happens before my appointment?

Do I need a referral for my scan?

Yes - without a referral you are unable to claim a rebate from Medicare for your scan. Please obtain a referral for each scan prior to your appointment from your doctor or eligible midwife.

How do I make an appointment?

Please contact us by phone on 6118 5660 during office hours, email, or fill out our contact form here and our staff will contact you.

Where is Aurora Imaging located?

We are located at 64 Churchill Avenue, Subiaco. For Google Map and directions, click here

Do you have reserved parking for patients?

No. However, there is ample free street parking on Churchill Avenue. Please be mindful of parking signs.

Do I need to confirm my appointment?

There is no need to call to confirm your appointment. You will be sent a text message reminder prior to your appointment. Please contact us if you are unable to make your appointment and we will happily reschedule. 

What time should I arrive for my appointment?

If it is your first appointment with us please arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your appointment time so that you can complete some paperwork. If you have previously had an appointment and your contact details have not changed, please arrive on time. 

What will happen during my scan?

Can I bring a support person with me for my scan?

Yes. We encourage partners to attend for scans in case any concerns are identified in which case they are able to be involved in the consultation and ask any questions that they may have. When deciding who you might bring with you to your scan, it is important to remember that these are medical scans and we will discuss the medical aspects of your pregnancy and history during your appointment. Please check our current COVID-19 policy here. 

Can I bring my child with me for my scan?

Please do not bring your children to your appointment. We understand that many women having pregnancy and gynaecology scans have other children to care for. However, please bear in mind that these scans may take 30 minutes or longer in some cases, and that young children often become bored during this time. These scans are detailed and require the sonographer to concentrate in order to fully assess the pregnancy or pelvis. 


Can I record or facetime during my scan? 

Unfortunately we do not allow video recording or facetiming of the ultrasound. You may ask your sonographer / sonologist if you can take a short recording of the scan at the end of the appointment. 

Will my scan be through the abdomen or vagina (internal)?

Most pregnancy scans will be through the abdomen only and most gynaecology scans will require both external and internal scanning. Internal (transvaginal) scanning allows us to see organs deeper in the pelvis such as the ovaries and cervix and also gives finer detail of small structures so may be useful in gynaecology and early pregnancy. We routinely measure the length of the cervix at the 20 week scan: if you have risk factors for preterm birth or if your cervix cannot be seen with abdominal scanning, then a vaginal scan may be required to measure the cervix. If a vaginal scan is required, this will be discussed with you on the day.

Do I need a full bladder for my scan?

It is useful to have some urine in your bladder for the start of your scan. A full bladder pushes the bowel out of the pelvis which is useful for us as the gas in the bowel obscures the ultrasound view of the pelvic organs and fetus. It is particularly helpful in early pregnancy scans and the 20-week scan. Please drink a glass of water half an hour before your appointment. You need not be uncomfortable - if so please check with our reception staff who will advise whether you can empty your bladder. 

Do you do 3D/4D scanning?

Yes, although this is not generally a medical part of the scan. Time permitting, we will try to obtain a 3D/4D view of your baby at the end of the medical scan. Please bear in mind that the quality of 3D/4D images are very heavily influenced by the stage of the pregnancy, the position of the baby, and the amount of fluid around the baby. In line with professional society recommendations, we do not offer ultrasound scans for non-medical reasons.

How much will my appointment cost?

Aurora Imaging is a privately billing practice. The cost of each service varies depending on the duration and complexity of the scan and the Medicare rebate. Our staff can advise the charges for your appointment when you book, or you can contact us here.

When and how can I pay for my scan?

Aurora Imaging is a privately billing practice. Payment for your scan is required on the day. Our staff will be able to advise the charge for your scan when your make your appointment. If unexpected additional procedures (e.g. amniocentesis) are required, the cost of these will be discussed before they are performed. We accept Visa and MasterCard credit and debit (EFTPOS) cards. We do not accept American Express credit cards as they attract high merchant fees. Please note that we do not accept cash or cheque payments and that we do not bulk bill

Will I receive copies of my scan?

Thermal print copies of ultrasound images tend to be of poor quality and fade with time. Instead, we partner with Trice Imaging to provide electronic copies of your images. After your scan you will receive a text message with a link to the Tricefy service where your images are stored in a secure fashion for you to access and share with family and friends. Please note that images are deleted from the Tricefy server after 90 days, so remember to download them to your device to keep them. 

Will I receive a copy of my report?

The scan report is a letter to your referring doctor or midwife that outlines the findings of the scan. If an abnormality is found then the report will often detail the counselling that has been provided and a recommendation for further management. This report is intended for the referring doctor and is written in medical language rather than for patients, but we are happy for you to have a copy of the report. Please ask for this on the day of your appointment and the report can be emailed to you once it has been completed by the reporting doctor that day.

When will my doctor receive a copy of my report?

Our reports are written by our specialists after the images have been reviewed typically at the end of the morning or afternoon session. Reports are sent according to the referring doctor's preference, typically electronically or by fax so they should receive them the day of your scan. If you have an appointment with your doctor on the same day as your scan, please advise our staff so that we can prioritise your report.

Can I claim from Medicare and my private health insurer?

For ultrasound scans and Maternal Fetal Medicine counselling appointments, we will process your Medicare claim on the day of your appointment. Genetic counselling does not qualify for a Medicare rebate. Ultrasound scans are included in the Extended Medicare Safety Net program. Generally private health insurance does not cover out-of-hospital expenses except for some overseas visitors. Please check with your private insurer for clarification

What will happen after my appointment?

Where can I get more information?

The following links provide useful information about pregnancy, gynaecology, and genetics.

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists - patient information section

Healthy WA - Having a baby in WA

Human Genetics Society of Australasia

Genetic Services of Western Australia

Victorian Clinical Genetics Service

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